Recognizing the unity of mission shared by the companies owned by the Walton family, Walton Roofing (Commercial), Walton Residential Roofing, and Walton Solar have launched a new site at to reflect the umbrella brand, known as “Walton.”

Founded in 1961, Walton Roofing has earned a reputation for excellence in commercial roofing due to the firm’s commitment to delivering superior customer service and a full range of complimentary services for the entire building envelope. In addition to roof replacement, repair, and maintenance, Walton Roofing is known for top-notch waterproofing and insulation services. In response to the needs of commercial roofing, Walton launched RoofAware to provide asset managers with the services and tools they need to extend the life of their building envelope.
Drawing on over half a century of roofing experience at a large scale in the commercial sector, Walton Residential Roofing offers a full range of residential roofing services to the consumer and multifamily markets. “What differentiates Walton Residential Roofing is over sixty years of experience at the commercial level,” says Walton Residential Roofing General Manager Will McNamee. “That translates to a great customer experience for our residential clients.”
Walton Solar is the youngest company in the Walton family. “We are in the unique position of being able to draw on the expertise and talent of an established, experienced commercial roofing company as we introduce our solar services to the commercial and residential markets,” says Walton Solar General Manager Harlin Bessire. “Walton Roofing has been around for a really long time, so with that family connection you know that Walton Solar will be there for you and stand by its work.”
“Walton Roofing’s rail and industrial services are in response to seeing a need and being willing to deliver what these unique sectors need when it comes to customer services,” says Tim Walton, who serves as both the Walton Roofing General Manager as well as the Division Manager for Industrial Services. “The requirements are unique, and we are here to meet the needs of our rail and industrial customers in the way that they need.”
“Experience Excellence” is the collective motto for the Walton brand. Across all sectors, the Walton family companies stand behind their work and continually raise the bar for delivering superior service.