College Station, Texas

Project Category
Commercial Roofing
Project: Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam Roofing System
Project Size: 175,000 sq. ft.
Challenges: Several expansion projects over the last 60 years created quite a challenge of tying all the different sections, levels, and different types of construction together and maintaining a watertight, energy-efficient facility, for all that were involved. A timeline to get this project in a watertight condition was critical to the project to maintain an on-time completion schedule.
Project Description: The project was a complete renovation and expansion project which would require all of the different applications and roofing methods of spray-applied polyurethane foam, on one roofing project. There were sections of the roof that also required total retrofit of the existing foam system and then there were sections that only required a repair and re-coat of the existing foam roof system. Skylights and restaurants were added to the student center which required refrigeration and HVAC systems to be installed. Having a spray polyurethane foam roof made the installation of these systems simple. Combining the old and new was easy to do because of the seamless application of spray foam.
Benefits of Using Foam: Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) was chosen for this project because it combines high R-value closed-cell insulation with superior air leakage control performance to deliver the maximum efficiency that was required for this facility. As water tightness and insulation value were the main project focal points of the expansion project, SPF was a clear choice.